Chapter 2 An attitude adjustment

Before you start reading about sesamoiditis, the different modalities to combat it and my plan for curing it, let’s talk about your attitude.

For some of you, you’ve had sesamoiditis for months or years at this point and you’re tired of dealing with it. For others, you’re athletes that can’t stand to be sidelined with injury. For yet others, your job depends on you standing on your feet all day, as well as walking or having to carry heavy objects, all of which are terribly painful with sesamoiditis.

I receive emails all the time from people who are frantic because they’re in so much pain. The problem just won’t go away. And when I say frantic, some are actually suicidal. Everyone reacts differently, but if this issue is keeping you from something you need to do, I realize the enormity of the problem. If this is you, then I want you to use that emotion, use that energy, use your discontent to drive your staying on top of this problem. I promise, if you do that, you’ll get to the other side of the problem sooner rather than later. It takes diligence, perseverance and dedication to overcome sesamoiditis.

Regardless of whether this is a new problem or one that’s been around for a while, you must follow my instructions exactly. If you don’t, your results may not be optimal.
Think of it like a combination lock. If you’re off by just a little bit, or if you forget a number in the combination, or if you enter the numbers in the wrong order, the lock won’t open. You’ll only open this lock by using the exact combination I give you.
Maybe you don’t like icing or don’t think you have time for it. Maybe you believe acupuncture is hokey and won’t bother trying it. Maybe you think you don’t have the money for ultrasound. No matter what the excuse, that’s all it is, an excuse. Excuses will get you nowhere. If you want results, you have to put in the time, effort and money. This book will help you minimize that burden.
So that being said, no excuses. Do exactly what I tell you in the order in which I prescribe. I don’t care if you’ve already tried some of the things I write about. I’m sure you didn’t do it in the exact manner and in the specific combination I prescribe, so give it another shot.

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