Thursday, September 10, 2015

A letter from Maggie, really bad sesamoiditis

Hi Greg,

I don't know if you will have time to write me back, or if you actually write people back, but I'm taking a shot in the dark because I just bought and read your book (PDF version) about sesamoiditis, and as I have for the last nine weeks, I want to cry because I am so frustrated. I am a Canadian who is making a special trip to see a sports medicine doctor (who is also an orthopedic surgeon) at Cleveland Clinic on Monday. I don't know what I'm going to do. I feel like I've done everything, and this is never going to get better. I just began the acupuncture (four sessions so far), and I ordered the TENS machine and bought rocker shoes (although I'm using crutches now).

I was wondering why you didn't mention MRI in your book. Is bone scan preferable to MRI? I'm booked for an MRI on Monday (an x-ray was normal), but now I think a bone scan is what I should get. You also didn't mention if swimming or pool running is ok because I did this for the first few weeks, and here I am, into the third month with this injury, and no better, so maybe the pool wasn't good either? What are lifelong athletes supposed to do if they can't even swim? Or do yoga (no toes)?
If you have any time to reply, I thank you sincerely. I am so completely despondent that I honestly don't know what to do.

Thank you.

A Letter from Annette: No acupuncture or ultra-sound

Hi Greg,

I read your book last night. After seeing two podiatrists and getting somewhat different information, I kept searching for more info and hoping that a boot, rest, and an orthotic wasn't the only solutions. I have to admit, I am really bummed. Especially today. I am a runner. Not an ultra runner, just halfs. But most of the time, just 3-4 miles for fitness and fun. I really enjoy it, but right now I'm out of commission. I have been dealing with this for two months and did pretty much everything you're not supposed to do. This stupid problem is not high priority for podiatrists, at least the two I saw. Also, it just seems like podiatry is in the cave man days. I cannot accept there isn't something better than the standard advice. I have aggressively searched for answers.  It's like stumbling in the dark. So I bought your book. And I have prayed about it and asked others to. 

My question is: what if I cannot do acupuncture or ultra sound? What if I do everything else? I'm asking because I doubt my insurance will pay for it. 

Thanks for writing the book.
